Monday, March 28, 2016

Chapter 17 - Lesson 2, Modified Schedule the Next Few Days

The next couple of days, we will be on a modified schedule. The 7th and 8th graders are taking STAAR Tests which makes it necessary for my classes to meet in an alternate location. My classes will meet in an alternate location (room 303) for the next two days. Please let your student know this as the plans have changed since I talked to them this morning.

Below are the notes from Lesson 2 of Chapter 17 over Southwest Asia or the Middle East. The students need to have these notes copied or printed and ready to go over on Wednesday of this week. Any student that has the notes copied or printed in their entirety will receive a bonus of 5 points on their next chapter test.

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Reviewing Access to Resources, Vocabulary Due Tomorrow, Chapter 17- Lesson 1 Notes

Today, I took some time to review the kids on how to get to this blog and how to log on to the online version of the textbook. These are two important resources that can really help the students keep up with what is going on and help them get their work done. The students who have been here all year should have known how to access these resources but many did not. I have also had several new students move in so I felt it was a good time to review.

HOMEWORK ALERT: The Chapter 17 vocabulary assignment is due tomorrow at the BEGINNING of class. Please make sure your student has this assignment complete and ready to turn in to me. The vocabulary terms can be found in the post from yesterday 3/21.

Below are the notes from Lesson 1 of Chapter 17. We are beginning a study of Southwest Asia (better known as the Middle East). Please make sure your student prints a copy otherwise, they will have to hand write the notes in class tomorrow.

Monday, March 21, 2016

Welcome Back, Chapter 17 Vocabulary Assigned

Welcome back from what I hope was a great Spring Break. We are truly in the home stretch now and this final grading period is going to fly by before we know it. Please make sure and keep up with your child's grades and assignments.

Speaking of assignments, the vocabulary for Chapter 17 over Southwest Asia was assigned today. The assignment will be due on Wednesday 3/23 at the beginning of class. The vocabulary terms and instructions can be found below.

Monday, March 7, 2016

9 Weeks Test Tomorrow, Now or Never for Late/Make-up Work

The 9 weeks exam for geography/history is tomorrow. Please double check with your student to make sure they are as prepared for the test as possible. I did allow the kids to take home their study guides and reviewed them in class last Friday and again today.

Time is quickly running out for getting any late or make-up work in to me. Basically, tomorrow is likely it as I will have to turn in my grades for report cards on Wednesday. Please stress to your student that it is now or never for make-up/late work.

Sunday, March 6, 2016

Review on Monday, 9 Weeks Test on Tuesday

Monday (3/7) marks the beginning of 9 weeks testing. The order of tests is easy to remember, just use the initials of our school:

E - English test on Monday 3/7
H - History test on Tuesday 3/8
M - Math test on Wednesday 3/9
S - Science test on Thursday 3/10

Please make sure your student is present and ready each of these days so that they can get these tests taken.

The final day to turn in late or make-up work for this 9 weeks will be Tuesday 3/8. I have to get my grades turned in after giving the 9 weeks test. Please make sure your student has everything done prior to this date.

Friday will be an early out for the students and kick off our spring break.

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Back in the Saddle, Chapter 15 Worksheets Due, 9 Weeks Testing Next Week

I am back after being out of the classroom for the last few days for training. I really don't like being out and, hopefully, will not be out absent again for a while.

The students turned in their Chapter 15 Vocabulary Builder worksheets today. There were a few who failed to turn in their worksheets. Please check with your student to make sure they turned in this assignment and are caught up on their work. I am available for tutoring/make-up work every day after school.

Time is quickly running out on this grading period. Our 9 weeks test is next Tuesday 3/8. Please stay on top of your students so that they prepare properly for this exam.