Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Mini-Project Over Africa Assigned

The students began work on a small project over Africa today. Full instructions are below. I would also add that NO MAGIC MARKERS should be used since they bleed through paper and make a mess and that the assignment is due on Friday 4/29.

Monday, April 25, 2016

Take Home Test Turned in Today, Africa Vocabulary Assigned and Due Tomorrow

The first item of business today was to have the students turn in their take home tests. The students were given time in class last Friday to work on these tests and allowed to take them home this past weekend if they needed more time to complete them. The test was open book/study guide so I am hopeful the grades on this exam will be good.

We will be combining the last three regions of Africa into one unit. We will be doing a mini-project over these regions. First, however, the vocabulary was assigned. This vocabulary is due tomorrow at the beginning of class. I have attached the assignment below.

Friday, April 22, 2016

*IMPORTANT* - Take Home Test Over East Africa Due Monday

The students started working on the chapter test for East Africa today in class. This is an open book/notes/resources test. This being the case, I sent the test home with the students. This test is a very important summative grade that could drastically affect their averages in my class. Please make sure that not only your student completes the test to the best of their abilities but also remembers to bring it back and turn it in on Monday. I have attached a copy of the test below just in case any student forgets to bring it home or loses their copy.

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Halfway There and Quiz 2 Due Tomorrow

We are now about halfway through this fourth, and final, grading period. As they saying goes, it will get late early from this point on. I have many students who are behind in their assignments or who have failed to make up poor grades. Please check your student's grades online and question them on anything that is missing or below passing. For some, the difference between promotion to the next grade or retention/summer school will come down to the grade this nine weeks.

The quiz/worksheet for Lesson 2 over the chapter covering East Africa is due tomorrow at the beginning of the period. I have attached a copy of this assignment below.

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Chapter 19 Vocabulary and Lesson 1 Quizzes Due Tomorrow

We started the chapter over East Africa yesterday. The vocabulary assignment for this chapter, along with the Lesson 1 quiz/worksheet are due tomorrow at the beginning of the class period. Please make sure your student has completed these assignments and has them ready to turn in to me (if they have not already done so).

I have attached both the vocabulary assignment and quiz 1 below.

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Test Over North Africa Tomorrow!

Tomorrow, the students will be taking their chapter test over North Africa. This is a major summative grade and will greatly affect their averages. Please make sure your student prepares properly for this test.

I will be out tomorrow so a substitute will be administering the test. Please discuss proper behavior with a substitute with your student.

Below is a "study guide" that I think will be VERY helpful to the students for their test tomorrow. If your student can answer these questions successfully, they will do very well on tomorrow's exam.

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Chapter 18 Lesson 2 Quiz Turned in Today, Lesson 3 Quiz Due Tomorrow

The students turned in the quiz/worksheet over Chapter 18, Lesson 2 at the beginning of the class period today.

After turning in the Lesson 2 assignment, I returned the graded papers for Lesson 1. We then went over the answers for the Lesson 1 assignment, and the strategies for finding them, in the study guide. Upon completion of this exercise, I assigned the Lesson 3 quiz/worksheet. It is due tomorrow at the beginning of the class period. I have attached a copy of the assignment below.

Monday, April 11, 2016

Chapter 18 Lesson 2 Quiz Due Tomorrow

The students worked on the quiz/worksheet for Lesson 2 on North Africa today during class. This assignment is due tomorrow at the beginning of the class period. I have attached a copy of the quiz/worksheet below.

Please make sure your student has this assignment completed so it can be turned in on time tomorrow.

Friday, April 8, 2016

Chapter 18 Vocabulary Due, Lesson One Worksheet Due on Monday

The vocabulary assignment for the Chapter 18 vocabulary on North Africa was due today at the beginning of class. Please check your students grades online as several failed to turn in this assignment.

The students were assigned a guided ready worksheet on Lesson One. The kids are to read Lesson One on North Africa in their study guides and answer the questions. All answers should be found in Lesson One. This guided reading sheet is due on Monday and a grade will be taken on it. I have attached a copy of this short assignment below.

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Chapter 17 Tests Graded, Chapter 18 Vocabulary Assigned

The take home open notes/book test over SW Asia was due today at the beginning of the period. I have graded all of the exams that were turned in yesterday to the substitute or today to me. You can check to see how your student fared on this test by checking the online grade book.

The vocabulary on Chapter 18 - North Africa was assigned today. The students had the period to work on the assignment. The vocabulary is due tomorrow (4/8) at the beginning of the class period. I have attached the vocabulary terms and instructions below.

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Take Home/ Open Note Test Tomorrow

Tomorrow, I will be out attending training at Region 12 in Waco. The students will have a substitute. Please discuss proper behavior with a substitute with your child.

The students will receive their test over Chapter 17 - Southwest Asia tomorrow. This will be an open note/book exam. The students will be allowed to use all of their resources in order to answer the questions on the test. Please make sure your student gets to school with all of their notes, vocabulary, study guides, etc. so they have what they need to do well. Any student that does not finish the exam during class tomorrow may take the test home to finish for homework. This test MUST BE RETURNED AT THE BEGINNING OF CLASS ON THURSDAY in order to receive full credit.

Monday, April 4, 2016

Chapter 17 Vocabulary Builder Worksheet Due, Additional Notes, and Take Home Test Coming Wednesday,

Today, the students turned in the vocabulary builder worksheet for Chapter 17. This was assigned last Friday and due today. I had quite a few fail to turn in the assignment. I have attached a copy of the vocabulary builder worksheet for any students that might have lost their copy and need to redo it.

I have also attached a summary of Chapter 17 for the kids. If they know the information on the summary, along with the notes and vocabulary done in class, they should do fine on the exam. This summary is below the vocabulary builder assignment below.