Thursday, November 30, 2017

Chapter 8 - Lesson 2 Notes, Chapter 8 Vocabulary Builder Worksheet, Columbian Exchange Maps Due Monday

Today I gave the students a break from lecture/note-taking and had them work on the Chapter 8 Vocabulary Builder worksheet. This is a very short formative (daily) assignment that is due tomorrow (12/1). Most students finished the worksheet during class but some did not. Please check with your student to see if they have completed this assignment.

The maps of the Columbian Exchange (pg. 267 in the book) are due on Monday 12/4. The map is also attached below. Students are to have at least 12 icons representing items that shipped or were carried either from Europe, Asia, Africa to the New World or vice versa. One required icon is "enslaved persons." This is important as it was the beginning of the slave trade in the New World. Please stay on your student so they get this done. The map will be a major summative grade and it will be all but impossible to pass for the 9 weeks if it is not completed and turned in on time.

Monday, November 27, 2017

Welcome Back, Chapter 8 Vocabulary Assigned

Welcome back. I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving break. Today we got right back into the thick of things with the vocabulary for Chapter 8. The assignment is due on Wednesday 11/29 at the beginning of class. The vocabulary terms and instructions are below.

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Field Trip Thursday, Chapter 7 Test on Friday

Thursday the students will be going on a field trip to the Bell County Expo Center to hear the "Launch" the Rhett Revolution in Your School message of encouragement and perseverance. The event will be attended by many schools and is sponsored by KWTX.

Friday the students will be given the test over Chapter 7. I will review the kids Wednesday but, due to the field trip the test will not be administered until Friday. Please make sure your student is prepared for this exam as it will be counted as a major Summative grade.

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Lesson 2 Notes, Central America Maps Due Today, Vocabulary Builder Worksheet Assigned

Today the students completed the notes on Lesson 2 of Chapter 7 over Central America. The notes can be found below.

The maps of Central America the students were to color and label were due today at the beginning of class. Please double check with your student to make sure they turned this assignment in on time.

The Vocabulary Builder worksheet was assigned today. This was a very short assignment and will be due at the end of the period tomorrow.

Friday, November 3, 2017

Chapter 7 Notes, Central America Map, and UIL Grade Check

This week we started work on Chapter 7 which covers Central America. Below are notes for Lessons 1 and 2 of the chapter. We also watched a pretty cool short video on the making of the Panama Canal and how it works. I have attached the notes and a link to the video below.

The students have been working on a map assignment and it will be due on Tuesday 11/7. The map and instructions (on the map) are attached below the notes.

Today was a UIL grade check day. I have taken the opportunity to send mini-progress reports home via email or letter to the parents/guardians of any student with a grade below 75 to this point in the 9 weeks. Please check your student's grades online at the Eastern Hills School site.

Panama Canal Video Link: