Tuesday, December 15, 2015

9 Weeks Testing, Chapter 9 Vocabulary Builder Make-Up

Today, students continued with their 9 weeks exams. Today's exam was history/geography. Exams will continue tomorrow with the math test.

Many students still owe me make-up/late work. One of themes common assignments missing is the Vocabulary Builder Worksheet over Brazil. I have printed copies of this assignment three different times for students who keep losing it. I am not going to make any more copies. What I have done is attach the worksheet below. Students can print it themselves at home and bring it in by Thursday (the last day I am accepting work this grading period). If, for some reason, printing the worksheet is not an option, students can look at the paper online and simply write their answers to each question on a piece of notebook paper and turn that in to me.

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Chapter 9 Open Notes/Book Take Home Test

Today, the students continued working on their test covering Chapter 9 (Brazil). This was an open book/notes test that they started yesterday. Students had the entire class period yesterday and today to work on the exam. Any students not finished as of the end of the class period today were instructed to take the test home and complete it for homework.

Please check with your student and ask about this test. It is vital that, if it was taken home, it be returned on time at the beginning of class tomorrow. Students can simply not recover from a "0" on a major test.

Monday, December 7, 2015

Pearl Harbor Remembrance, Chapter 9 - Lesson 3 Notes and Take Home Test Tomorrow

Today, I took a few moments to discuss the significance of the Pearl Harbor attack with the students. I showed them a brief video that featured a bit of footage from the attack and part of President Franklin D. Roosevelt's address to Congress and the nation asking for a declaration of war on the Empire of Japan. Below is a link to FDR's address to the nation.


After viewing the video, we continued on with the notes for Chapter 9. Below are the notes for Lesson 3.

Tomorrow, the students will begin taking the test over Chapter 9. The test will be a bit different this time around as it will be an open book/notes test. Students may use whatever resources they have to work on correctly answering the questions. Please make sure your student catches up on the notes from this chapter and brings all of their materials to class tomorrow.

Friday, December 4, 2015

Chapter 9 - Lesson 2 Notes, Vocabulary Builder Assignment Due Monday

Today, students continued "catching up." All had at least one, and most had several, assignments that they needed to catch up on.

By the end of the period, I collected the Chapter 9 vocabulary assignments (part 1 and part 2) and many of the vocabulary builder worksheets. Students also worked on copying the notes for Chapter 9 - Lesson 2. The notes are below for any students that did not get them copied completely in class today. They will be a valuable asset on the take home test next week.

*HOMEWORK ALERT* - The Chapter 9 Vocabulary Builder worksheet is due on Monday at the beginning of class.

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Vocabulary Assignments Due, Make-up / Late Work Clock Ticking

Today, the first half of the Chapter 9 vocabulary was due. The second half of the chapter vocabulary will be due on Friday 12/4/15. The vocabulary assignments and instructions can be found in the previous post.

Time for this grading period is quickly running out. That means students need to get any late or make-up work completed and turned in ASAP. Please question your student as to whether or not they owe me any assignments.