Monday, December 7, 2015

Pearl Harbor Remembrance, Chapter 9 - Lesson 3 Notes and Take Home Test Tomorrow

Today, I took a few moments to discuss the significance of the Pearl Harbor attack with the students. I showed them a brief video that featured a bit of footage from the attack and part of President Franklin D. Roosevelt's address to Congress and the nation asking for a declaration of war on the Empire of Japan. Below is a link to FDR's address to the nation.

After viewing the video, we continued on with the notes for Chapter 9. Below are the notes for Lesson 3.

Tomorrow, the students will begin taking the test over Chapter 9. The test will be a bit different this time around as it will be an open book/notes test. Students may use whatever resources they have to work on correctly answering the questions. Please make sure your student catches up on the notes from this chapter and brings all of their materials to class tomorrow.

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