Sunday, February 28, 2016

Monday, February 22, 2016

Chapter 14 Tests Returned, Progress Reports and Chapter 15 Vocabulary Assigned

The students took their test over Chapter 14 last Friday. These tests have been graded and returned to the students. Please make sure and ask them about their grades and have them do test corrections so they can get the highest grade possible.

Progress reports also went home on Friday. If you have not seen the progress report for your student please ask them about it. You can always check the grades of your student online at the Eastern Hills website as well.

The vocabulary for Chapter 15 was assigned today. It will be due on Wednesday 2/24/16. I have attached a copy of the vocabulary terms and instructions below.

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Chapter 14 - Lesson 3 Notes, Chapter 14 Test Moved to Friday, Grade Check

Today we completed the notes on Chapter 14 over Eastern Europe. You will find the notes in their entirety below. Please make sure your student has these notes, along with the notes for Lessons 1 and 2, so that they can study for their test on Friday.

Speaking of the test, I have decided to bump the exam over Chapter 14 back to Friday. I wanted to make sure we had a solid day of review and giving the test on Thursday just seemed like rushing things. Please help your student remember to prepare for the test.

I will be sending out emails to the parents of students with a failing average in my class by the end of the week. The end of the grading period is quickly approaching and those who are failing do not have much longer to dig out of that hole. Please go online and check your student's grades to make sure they are up to your standards. The emails will only go out to the parents of those students who are failing but anyone can access the grades and make sure their student has no missing assignments.

I have graded everything in my possession so the grades are accurate. They will remain so until the test on Friday is graded.

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Chapter 14 Worksheet Turned In, Lesson 3 Completed, Test Coming Up

After being off line for a few days due to training and illness, I am back. I apologize for the lack of posts over the last few days.

Today, the Chapter 14 worksheet was due. After taking up the worksheets I went over Lesson 3 in the Study Guide with the students. I will be posting notes over Lesson 3 either tonight or tomorrow. The test is scheduled for Thursday 2/18.

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Chapter 14 - Lesson 2 Notes, Chapter 14 Worksheet, Behavior Expectations

Today, we finished up the "notes with holes" for Lesson 2 of Chapter 14. If any student is missing any part of these notes, they can be accessed in yesterday's post.

Tomorrow, I will be out and the kids will have a substitute. The students will be working on their worksheet for Chapter 14. The worksheet will be due on Friday 2/12.

Please remind your students that just because there is a sub in the room does not mean that behavioral expectations change. If anything, I expect the kids to behave better when there is a guest in the room. Please reinforce this with your student.

Monday, February 8, 2016

Technical Difficulties, Notes with Holes for Chapter 14

I apologize for not posting updates on the blog the last couple of days. I was having some sort of technical issue. I wish I could tell you that I had figured it out and fixed it but, basically, it was all working this morning after not working since late last week. I decided to just be grateful and move on.

I have attached the notes for Lessons 1 and 2 of Chapter 14 - Eastern Europe. You will notice that the notes have blanks or "holes" in them. The student were told to copy the notes in class and then attempt to fill in the blanks/holes while reading the text of the chapter in their study guides. Please check with your student to make sure they are keeping up and have both the Lesson 1 and Lesson 2 notes copied down.

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Chapter 14 Vocabulary Assigned, Chapter 13 Tests Returned

I started class today by returning the Chapter 13 tests that the students took yesterday. The grades were not particularly good overall so please check with your student and make sure they do test corrections. By correcting the tests, students can earn half of the points they missed back. For example, a 60 can become an 80, a 70 can become an 85, etc.

The vocabulary for chapter 14 was also assigned. This assignment will be due on Friday 2/5. The vocabulary terms and instructions are below.

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Chapter 13 Test Taken Today

The students took the exam over Chapter 13 today. It should have looked familiar as it was the exact same test form I gave them as a worksheet (see post below from 1/ 29). Despite the fact they had seen the test before, the grades were disappointingly low overall.

Please double check your students grades (in all classes) by visiting the EHMS school site and clicking on the grade access center link on the upper left portion of the home page. It is a fairly straight-forward set of steps that allows you to view your child's grades.

Stress to your student that time is starting to become short. We are no longer in the early stages of a grading period but in the middle of it. Soon, I fear, some will have dug a hole too deep to get out of before report cards come out.

Monday, February 1, 2016

Chapter 13 Worksheet Due, Chapter 13 Test Tomorrow

The students turned in their Chapter 13 worksheets at the beginning of the period today. Well, some of them turned in their worksheets. Far too many students failed to turn in this assignment and will be receiving a grade of "0" on it. Please check with your student and see if they turned in this assignment on time. If they did not, a copy of the worksheet is available for printing out on the post below. Have the student print it, complete it and turn it in ASAP.

The test over Chapter 13 is tomorrow. Please make sure your student does everything he/she can do to be as prepared as possible.