Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Chapter 14 - Lesson 3 Notes, Chapter 14 Test Moved to Friday, Grade Check

Today we completed the notes on Chapter 14 over Eastern Europe. You will find the notes in their entirety below. Please make sure your student has these notes, along with the notes for Lessons 1 and 2, so that they can study for their test on Friday.

Speaking of the test, I have decided to bump the exam over Chapter 14 back to Friday. I wanted to make sure we had a solid day of review and giving the test on Thursday just seemed like rushing things. Please help your student remember to prepare for the test.

I will be sending out emails to the parents of students with a failing average in my class by the end of the week. The end of the grading period is quickly approaching and those who are failing do not have much longer to dig out of that hole. Please go online and check your student's grades to make sure they are up to your standards. The emails will only go out to the parents of those students who are failing but anyone can access the grades and make sure their student has no missing assignments.

I have graded everything in my possession so the grades are accurate. They will remain so until the test on Friday is graded.

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