Thursday, October 15, 2015

1st 9 Weeks Wrap-up and 2nd 9 Weeks Kicks Off

As hard as it is to believe, the first 9 weeks grading period has now come to a close. We are now 25% of the way through the school year.

I apologize for the lack of posts over the last couple of days. There was some sort of issue with the blogger server and I was unable to log in. Hopefully, it is all straightened out now.

This week was all about the 9 weeks testing in the core subjects. We took our test on Wednesday 10/14. With the exception of a few students who were absent and missed the test, all tests have been graded and the report card averages figured. Each student was notified of the grade they will receive on their report card today.

With the first 9 weeks ending, I kicked off the second 9 weeks with a vocabulary assignment. I gave the students part of the class period to work on it. The assignment and terms are below. The vocabulary is due at the beginning of the period on Monday 10/19. Please check with your student to make sure they have this first assignment of the grading period ready so that they can get off to a solid start.

I will be out tomorrow and will have a sub in the room. The students will watch a video on the Spanish Explorers who were the first Europeans to set foot on the New World/Texas. The kids will have a short assignment to complete as they watch the video. The assignment will be turned in to the sub before they leave. Please discuss proper behavior with a sub to your student.

*EARLY OUT ALERT* - Students will be released tomorrow at 1:35.
*HOMEWORK ALERT*- Chapter 6 Vocabulary is due on Monday 10/19.

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