Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Chapter 6 Test Moved to Friday, Make-up/Late Work Due

Today, we finished up the Chapter 6 - Lesson 3 Notes on Mexico. They are attached below. This is the final section in the chapter and we will be taking the exam over it this Friday. Tomorrow, I will review the kids and do my best to get them prepared for the test on Friday. Please make sure your student studies and is as prepared as possible for this test.

As mentioned yesterday, failure to turn in work has reached disturbing levels. Please check with your student to see whether or not they are caught up (you can also check the grades online). If they owe work, please stay on them to get it done and turned in ASAP as "0's" kill their average.

*TEST ALERT* - The Chapter 6 Exam over Mexico has been bumped to this Friday 11/30.

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