Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Zeros and Apathy, Chapter 6 Test on Friday

Today the Chapter 6 Vocabulary Builder assignment was due and I was shocked at the sheer number of students that failed to turn it in and received a grade of "0." I must say that I have been fighting the apathetic nature of this group of 6th graders since day 1. It has been like pulling teeth to get them to do and turn in their work. They just do not seem to care about their grade and do not fear any sort of consequences for failing to do their work either here at school or at home.

I need you, the parents/guardians to partner with me and make sure these students are keeping up with and turning in their work. Please grill them DAILY on what is due and when. Check the grades online AT LEAST 2-3 time per week to make sure you know where they stand. Simply put, if they perceive you are not involved or do not care about their grades, then they will not care about them either. Honestly, I have not seen such apathy from a group since I started teaching in 1992.

Let's get this taken care of ASAP.

The final sections of the Chapter 6 Notes from Lesson 2 are below. The Chapter 6 Exam over Mexico is scheduled for Thursday. Please do your part to make sure your student is prepared.

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