Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Chapter 7 - Lesson 1 Notes, Chapter 6 Test Corrections, Chapter 7 Vocabulary Due

Today, we completed the notes from Chapter 7 - Lesson 1. The notes are below in their entirety.

The Chapter 6 Test over Mexico was returned to the students. Students may make test corrections in order to recapture half of the points they missed on the test. Corrections should be done on a separate piece of paper and stapled to the original test and turned back in to me. The corrections will be graded and test scores adjusted accordingly. Students will need to make corrections on their own time as no class time will be available for this activity.

*HOMEWORK ALERT*- The Chapter 7 Vocabulary assignment is due tomorrow at the beginning of class. Please make sure that your student has completed the assignment and is ready to turn it in tomorrow. The vocabulary terms are available on the post from yesterday.

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