Saturday, November 14, 2015

Chapter 7 Test, Progress Reports

Friday, the students took their exam over Chapter 7 - Central America. The tests have been graded and the scores posted in the grade book.

Progress reports were handed out on Friday to most classes. I have one class that did not get them as I wanted them to concentrate on the test and not use up class time discussing the progress reports. The thing about progress reports is that they are obsolete by the time you, the parent/guardian receive them. I would encourage you to go to the EHMS school website and check the grades there. That is the way to get the most current and up to date grades for your student.

One more thing, just for fun, I gave the students a bonus question on Friday. If they got it right, they would have received five bonus points on their test. I put the picture below on the screen. They bonus question was "What is this animal?" For the answer scroll down below the photo.

Answer: A lamprey

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