Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Multiple Items...

There were several things going on today. I'll give you the run down.

First, a map assignment was given to the students. Basically, the job is to label and color a map of Central America. The student were instructed to make it look as close to the map on page 233 of their book as possible. The map can also be found in the online textbook in Chapter 7, Place and time section. This map will be due on Monday 11/9.

The students also received their Chapter 7 Vocabulary Builder worksheet assignment. The vocabulary builder will be due on Friday 11/6.

Finally, the students began copying the notes from Chapter 7 - Lesson 2. This is a long section so they likely did not finish in class. They were instructed to finish the notes at home. The notes and the map assignment can both be found below.

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