Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Health Issues and 3 Assignments Due

I apologize for having been out so often the past week or so. I'm having some health issues and have multiple tests being run. I'm afraid I'll be missing some more time in the not too distant future. Because of this, it is taking me a bit to get my feet underneath me and get everything graded. Bear with me as I am making progress.

Now, there are three assignments that I need you to make sure your student has turned in to me. The first - and most important - is the mapping project mentioned in previous blog posts. This is a major summative grade and any student who fails to turn it in will have almost no chance of passing for the nine weeks. This assignment was actually due this past Monday 9/25. Any student that did not turn it in on time may still turn it in late for a grade up to a 70. This is much better than a grade of 0. The second assignment is a worksheet the kids worked on while the sub was with them called the Chapter 4 Vocabulary Builder. This worksheet was due today (9/26). The third assignment is the standard Chapter 4 vocabulary assignment. This assignment and the instructions for it is attached below. Also, attached are the notes for Lesson 1.

Please make sure your student gets these three assignments completed and turned in ASAP.

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