Friday, September 8, 2017

Vocabulary Due, Map Activity, and Online Textbook Access

The vocabulary assignment for Chapter 1 was due today at the beginning of class. Any student who was absent today will need to be ready to turn in the assignment upon their return to class next Monday. The assignment can be found below on the post from 9/5.

In class today the students practiced their map interpretation skills and use of latitude/longitude. The students rotated between five maps and answered questions pertaining to each. Any student who was out of the classroom today will need to make arrangements to come after school and make up the assignment.

Online textbooks can be accessed by following the steps listed below:

- Go to the Killeen ISD home page
- Click the "Students & Parents" link at the top of the page
- Click on the "Learning Resources" link in the left hand margin of the page
- Click on the "McGraw Hill Online Textbook" link

These steps should take you to a log in page where a user name and a password are required. The user name is simply the letter "s" followed by your child's six digit student ID # The password consists of the first three letters of your child's last name followed by their six digit student ID #. So, log in information for a mythical student named John Smith, who had ID #123456, would look like this:

User Name:
Password: smi123456

Your child may also check out a hard copy of the textbook from the library if online access is a problem.

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