Monday, September 18, 2017

Regions of the U.S. and Tornado Alley

Today we discussed the major geographic regions of the United States and discussed a bit about the climate of each. I touched on the fact that we are in central Texas which is considered the southern edge of an area known as "Tornado Alley." This area encompasses most of the Great Plains region and sees more tornados than any other area on earth.

After the initial discussion, I showed a short video that detailed the terrible F5 tornado that struck Jarrell 20 years ago. Jarrell is only 25-30 miles south of us and the video makes quite an impression. I have included a link to the video below (I did show the first 2-3 minutes without the sound on as the filmography uttered a couple of profanities. These words were NOT broadcast to the class).

I have also attached a short video of an elementary social studies teacher mapping out the regions of the United States. Students may want to refer back to this video when they start their mini-project tomorrow.

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