Friday, January 22, 2016

Chapter 13 - Lesson 2 Started, Chapter 13 Vocabulary Due and UIL Grade Check

We started work on Chapter 13 - Lesson 2 in the study guides today. In the lesson, we discussed some of the empires that ruled Northern and Southern Europe and other parts of the ancient world. Included in the discussion were the Greeks, Romans, Macedonians and Vikings.

About halfway through the period, I had the students complete work on their Chapter 13 vocabulary which was due at the end of the period.

The grades for the UIL grade check were due this afternoon. Whether or not your student is participating in an extracurricular activity or not it is a good time to take stock of where they are as far as their grades. I am sorry to say that I have far too many students with missing work for which they have received a grade of "0." This has led to some very poor, and failing, averages at the 3 week mark. Parents of students with an average below 70 to this point will be receiving an email at some point this weekend. Please check the KISD system and make sure there is an accurate email address available for me. Thanks.

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