Monday, January 11, 2016

Kahn Review, Crossword Creation Assignment Given and Chapter 12 Vocabulary Builder Due

Today, the students went through a review over Lessons 1 and 2 of Chapter 12 via Kahoot. Kahn is an online program that allows me to create quizzes and reviews. Each student can access the quiz via their smart phone, tablet or other device. Students without a device were allowed access to the class iPads for the review, though they likely had to share.

After the conclusion of the Kahoot review, the students were assigned a crossword puzzle creation assignment. Basically, the students were broken into groups and given the task of creating their own crossword puzzle over Lessons 1 and 2 of Chapter 12. The complete instructions for the assignment are attached below. I have not decided on a due date for the assignment yet but will post it here once it is set.

*HOMEWORK ALERT*- Finally, the Chapter 12 Vocabulary Builder worksheet is due tomorrow at the beginning of class. This worksheet was assigned last Friday. Please check with your student to make sure the assignment is complete and ready to turn in at the beginning of class.

*HOMEWORK ADDENDUM*- My 4th period class will be given one extra day to complete the Vocabulary Builder assignment as I did not manage to get their graded vocabulary returned to them today. Their worksheet will be due on Wednesday.

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