Friday, January 15, 2016

Test Today, Crossword Assignment Altered

Today, the students began work on their Chapter 12 tests. After thinking about things, I decided to allow the students the use of their study guides. This essentially made the test an open book test. I decided that the, due to my absence yesterday, the review process had suffered and I did not want the students to pay the price for that. Most of the students did not finish the test so I will let them finish up on Tuesday.

On a different note, the crossword puzzle assignment really has not gone off as planned. It has taken MUCH longer than I ever would have guessed it would. Since we are on a very tight schedule, I've decided to just give the students a participation grade on the assignment and move on. Hopefully, we can try this again later and it will go smoother.

Remember, there is no school on Monday as the KISD observes Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.

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