Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Chapter 13 - Lesson 3, Notice of Failing Grades, Quiz Tomorrow

In class today we started reading and working on Lesson 3 from Chapter 13 in the study guide. We got about halfway through the lesson and will likely finish it up tomorrow or Thursday.

I have now emailed the parent/guardians of all students with a grade below 70 after the first two weeks of the grading period. If you did not receive an email it likely means your student is currently passing. I did have a couple of emails bounce back so please check to make sure your current email address is in the system.

We will have a short quiz tomorrow over the first half of Lesson 3 (the part covered today). It should be a great chance to raise some of those averages. Please double check with your student to ensure they are properly prepared. The questions will come directly off of the Self-check quiz at the end of Lesson 3 in the online textbook.

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