Thursday, September 24, 2015

Chapter 4 GeoQuiz Turned In and Chapter 4 - Lesson 1 Notes

The Chapter 4 GeoQuiz assignment was due today at the beginning of class. While most of the students turned in this assignment, far too many did not. Please double check with your student and make sure they turned in their GeoQuiz and that they are keeping up wit their work.

After the GeoQuiz was turned in, we continued the Chapter 4 - Lesson 1 notes. Specifically, we started to discuss the regions of the Unites States. I stared by showing the students a video made by a teacher laying out the regions on a map and then moved on to actually jotting down and discussing the regions. The video I showed the kids is below,  in case you are interested. The full notes for the regions of the U.S can be found below the video.


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