Monday, September 14, 2015

Vocabulary Builder & Guided Reading Assignments Due, Poor Grades and Missing Work

Today the students turned in the Chapter 1 Vocabulary Builder assignment and the Chapter 1 Guided Reading assignment. The students have had these two assignments since last Thursday which gave them four days to complete them. Unfortunately, many students failed to turn in their work resulting in a grade of 0. There is simply no reason for students not to have had their work having had so much time to complete these assignments.

The test over Chapter 1 will be on Wednesday 9/16. This will be the first Summative test grade. Remember that Summative grades make up 55% of a students total average. This makes it critical for the students to be prepared.

Please make sure you check with your students about their grades. I have far too many students with failing averages right now because of failing to turn in their work. I do not have a single student with a failing average that has turned in all of their work. If your student is failing the course currently, it is because he/she is not turning in their work and receiving a grade of 0. I will be sending out emails and making phone calls about grades starting this week. Official progress reports will be going out in roughly two weeks.

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