Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Chapter 1 Lesson 4 Quiz, Notes, Review and UIL Grade Check

Today, the students took a pop quiz over their notes on Using Globes and Maps (Chapter 1, Lesson 4). After the quiz we reviewed the questions and correct answers. Students were encouraged to retake the quiz if they received a grade below 70 (see me to set up a time).

After the quiz, we finished up the notes for Lesson 4. Full notes for this section are located below under yesterday's post (9/8). We discussed the two types of maps (General Purpose & Thematic) and the differences between the two. We also discussed the two types of Geospatial Technologies that are being used daily in the lives of many Americans (GPS, GIS) and gave some examples of how they work.

We will begin reviewing the Chapter 1 material tomorrow and preparing for the upcoming test (date TBA). Students received a Guided Reading sheet and a Vocabulary Builder sheet for Chapter 1 that they will begin working on cooperatively tomorrow. Each of these documents will count as a Formative daily grade and help prepare the students for the upcoming test.

*IMPORTANT*- The first UIL grade check is this Friday (9/11). Please check your student's grades and encourage them to turn in any missing work ASAP and to redo any assignments for which they received a grade of below 70.

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