Monday, September 28, 2015

Practice Quiz, Chapter 4 - Lesson 2 Notes, Make-up Work

We started the class period with a practice quiz over Chapter 4 - Lesson 1. There were 10 questions (available to view in the online textbook) that we discussed orally. The class actually seemed to do ok on the quiz but, as it was practice, no grade was taken. These practice self-quizzes are available at the end of every lesson in the online textbook. They are a great study tool.

After the practice quiz, we briefly discussed the first Native Americans and how they arrived on the continent via the Bering Land Bridge. From there we went on to discuss the European powers that raced to the New World to make claims on the land and resources found there before just beginning to discuss the American Revolution. Notes on this lesson will be posted on the blog tomorrow.

All late/make-up work in my possession has now been graded. If your student still has failing grades or a 0 it is because I have not received the assignment. Please be vigilant and check your student's grades and make sure they are keeping up. We are quickly approaching the halfway point of the 9 weeks.

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