Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Wrapping Up Notes, Turning in Vocabulary and Political/Physical GeoQuiz Assigned

Today, the Chapter 4 vocabulary assignment was due at the beginning of the period. I realized pretty quickly that many students had not completed it and decided to give them an additional 10-15 minutes to work on it before taking it up.

After taking up the vocabulary, we finished up our discussion on the notes over Chapter 4 - Lesson 1 which covered large/important bodies of water and waterways in the United States (Great Lakes, Mississippi River, Atlantic and Pacific Ocean, Gulf of Mexico, etc.). The complete notes for this section can be found below embedded in the post from yesterday.

Finally, I assigned a Political/Physical GeoQuiz. This assignment basically consists of two maps and the student is to locate critical features and places located in North America. I feel it will be beneficial for the kids to have a knowledge of where these places are located as we continue to discuss the United States and North America. The GeoQuiz is due tomorrow at the beginning of class.

*HOMEWORK ALERT*- The Political/Physical GeoQuiz assignment is due at the beginning of class tomorrow.

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