Thursday, September 10, 2015

Guided Reading & Vocabulary Builder Assignments and Latitude & Longitude Practice

Today, the students were given a Guided Reading and a Vocabulary Builder worksheet assignment. The class was broken into groups and the students worked cooperatively to find the various answers to the questions on these assignments. Resources included the reading from Chapter 1, glossary, index and maps from the text. Students will continue to work on these assignments in class tomorrow. These assignments will count as two separate formative daily grades and will also serve as review material for the first test (middle of next week).

Also, I pulled up students to the interactive white board to practice their latitude and longitude skills. The students had to plot points, find countries and various other things requiring a working knowledge of latitude and longitude on a world map. Every student did not get a turn today but I am hopeful the rest of the kids will get a turn in class tomorrow.

Please continue to stay on top of your student's grades and remind them that all failing grades can be made up and brought up to passing (70) if they are turned in within 10 school days of the day the original assignment was posted in the grade book.

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