Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Using Globes & Maps / Chapter 1 Lesson 4

Today, the students watched a video on how Google is going about mapping the face of the Earth. We talked briefly about how this technology helps us in our day to day lives.

After the video, the students worked on their "Lines on a Map" worksheet. The worksheets are due tomorrow (Wed.  9/9) at the beginning of the period.

Next, students took notes on the "Using Globes and Maps" section of Chapter 1 (Lesson 4). Important things to know are the differences between a globe and a map, the strengths and weaknesses of each, the dividing lines of longitude and latitude that split the Earth into hemispheres and the parts of a map (key, scale bar, compass rose). The notes for today are located below.

Please touch base with your student about their grades and whether or not they are caught up in class. Anyone who has missed days or is missing assignments needs to see me.

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